
Student Storage

national-imageThis Isn’t How Your Parents Moved to College

Mayflower Transit Offers Modern-Day Tips for College Packing and Moving to help college bound kids in the Philadelphia and South Jersey area. Just like your parents, and theirs before, heading off to college is an exciting and life-changing experience. But one thing has dramatically changed over the years — how and what to pack for the move.

Mayflower Transit, the expert in packing, moving and relocating, understands the complexity of the modern college student. So as the masses of students prepare to frantically jam, cram and overstuff their cars this summer, leaving just enough room to slip into the front seat, Mayflower Transit offers tips to update the college moving mentality with some modern ideas. That’s why these moving experts suggest the following “modern dos” and “retro don’ts” for moving to college, along with a top ten list of college moving tips to make your move safer, greener and more efficient.

Modern Dos and Retro Don’ts:

First impressions count

Modern — Do pack your clothes and accessories carefully so everything will look fabulous for that great first impression. College-bound students now have wardrobes that rival Paris Hilton. Keep those delicate items on hangers. One of the easiest ways to keep your apparel nice is to use a clothing rod made for traveling. Hang clothes on the rod, then carry it to your dorm and transfer your clothes to the closet.

Retro — Don’t just toss items into any container or, even worse, a duffle bag like your parents did. You’ll have wrinkled clothing and piles of laundry to do all over again.

Packing materials 101

Modern — Do plan ahead and start collecting free, foldable boxes with lids from local merchants. You won’t have to spend extra money on packing supplies, and you can fold them up and store them under your bed for move-out day.

Retro — Don’t buy milk crates, Bubble Wrap and tissue paper to pack up for college. This can be costly on your wallet and the environment — and then you have to worry about storing large, bulky items in a small space.

Get organized

Modern — Do use small clear plastic boxes (such as clear fishing tackle boxes) to organize and sort those small items that typically get lost in a room. These boxes work great for school supplies, jewelry, etc.

Retro — Don’t throw all of your small items into the bottom of a suitcase. You’ll never be able to find those paper clips when you need them most.

Think green, save cash, buy recycled

Modern — Do stretch your budget and save gas by purchasing dorm room decor from a Goodwill or Salvation Army store near your school. This will make your load lighter — helping the environment and your back — while giving you more time to find great pieces for your new “home.” Think “green” and buy a used item, such as a futon, and personalize it with a slipcover or a throw.

Retro — Don’t cram your car with everything under the sun, just in case you may need it in that rare instance. You’ll waste both gas and precious space in your living quarters.

To network or not to network

Modern — Do load your computer with the software you’ll need, as well as an antivirus program. Before you move, check to see if your dorm has wireless Internet access. Be sure to set up a secure network to prevent hackers from accessing your computer.

Retro — Don’t just assume your parents will be able to help get your computer working. Face it, the closet thing to a computer they had to bring to college was a calculator. If you need help with networking or setup, call a company like Geek Squad, a Mayflower Transit partner, to set up your equipment quickly and correctly.

Rock and roll

Modern — Do bring an MP3 player and a good pair of computer speakers to make sure you have all the tunes you need.

Retro — Don’t pack albums, CDs and large stereo equipment. Keep the space needed for your musical collection to a minimum by loading up your music player with thousands of songs, and ease the moving process by eliminating large speakers and equipment.

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Top 10 College Moving Tips

  1. Be realistic and clutter-free: Let the size of the space you are moving into, not your emotions, determine what to bring.
  2. Think ahead, buy green: Most of the new stuff you buy before school will be thrown out when you move out in May. Purchase green items such as organic sheets and natural material furniture to reduce your carbon footprint. Donate your used items to local nonprofits.
  3. Roommate basics: Coordinate with your roommates before the move. Share decorating ideas and plan what items each roommate should bring, so you don’t waste money and end up with duplicates.
  4. Priority packing: Organize your belongings in boxes by priority. The most important items, such as medicines, toiletries, valuable jewelry and paperwork, etc., should be packed clearly marked boxes.
  5. Survival kit: Pack a clearly marked “essential trip kit” that includes items that you will need for the first night in case you arrive late or are too tired to unpack. This will save you from rifling through boxes to find your toothbrush or pajamas.
  6. Wrapping: Save time by NOT using newspaper for wrapping like your parents did. The ink can rub off and damage or dirty your valuables. Use clean, white newsprint which you can get from moving companies or at office supply stores.
  7. Label it: Whether you move into a dorm room, apartment or house, label boxes by location, so you know where each box should go.
  8. Decorating essentials: Pack a small toolkit with items like a screwdriver removable adhesive strips to hang pictures and decorate your new place without damaging the walls.
  9. Function first: Personalizing a new space is important, but make sure furniture is moved before unpacking personal items.
  10. Take a break: Take short breaks throughout moving day to avoid burnout. Meals and sightseeing on campus are great ways to stay refreshed throughout the day.

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Simply put, a quote is an exact price for a job set by the mover while an estimate is the mover’s best guess as to how much it will cost, subject to change. A quote is set in stone, unless there is a variation to your contract, which would include extra work or a change in the scope of a job. There is no such thing as a binding estimate, your contractor can change the price for a variety of reasons.

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